Hey guys
Just thought I would check in and fill you in with what I have been up to.
This last week has been ridiculously busy for me and also very stressful. Last Monday was moving day back to London. This meant that once again, I had to pack up everything that I would need for the next 3 months into 2 huge holdalls. The only problem this time was that I had to bring all my text books with me as exam season has officially hit. Cue little old me having to hulk 40 stones (!!!!) worth of clothes, shoes , books and essentials halfway across the country by myself.
I managed to get into my accommodation ok and proceeded to do the rounds, seeing everyone from Uni and catching up with what they had been up to during the holidays. This left me on Monday night unpacking until 2 am with my first class at 9 am... Not a brilliant idea.
Tuesday hit like a tonne of bricks as our lecturers reminded us of the upcoming exam season with less than 3 weeks until my first. Needless to say the textbooks and revision became a top priority until later on Tuesday night when some friends decided they wanted a revision break in the form of a walk and I had to show them where to go. We ended up on a mini pub crawl around Camden Town before heading back to our local to round the night off. It was exactly what was needed after my first day.
On Wednesday I had arranged to go house hunting with my fellow flat mates. After a couple of phone calls and 2 viewings we decided to go for a great flat in Camberwell. Within the space of 2 hours we had officially got a house to live in next year, and the best bit is the 1 year contract meaning that I will become an official Londoner !
Thursday was a busy work day as I prepared to host my sister over the weekend. Trying to cram 3 days worth of revision and lectures into 1 day is very hard and extremely tiring.
So far my longest day has been last Friday. A 9 am, 2 hour lecture is extremely painful, follow this up with another 2 hour revision session , break for lunch , more revision and then 2 classes- Friday is a long day. I then went straight to Paddington to pick up my lovely Sister who was visiting, to wait another hour due to delays. I was practically asleep by the time she turned up and we hadn't even had dinner yet. Another trek across London to Tesco and two ready meals later saw us playing tipsy ping pong and up until 2 am.
This weekend has also been amazing. We walked round Camden Market , lunched on Oxford Street, saw "The Tempest" at the Globe Theatre with Colin Morgan and visited the British Museum.
Now we are coming to the end of bank holiday Monday and I'm so glad I had today off.
So as you can see - very busy and hectic. I have a feeling that the next few weeks will be similar so posts will be a bit sporadic but I haven't forgot. I have an amazing set of shoes for this week so keep an eye out for them soon.
GoodyTwoShoes x
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